Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Freedom of Religion

I was suprise by the first statistics in the State of the First Ammendment survery when all the numbers increased in the different catagories except Freedom of Religion which fluceuated. It seemed that people's views on Freedom of Religion depended on the year and what was going on at that time, for example, it was lowest in 2001 when the 9/11 attacks happened. Americans were most likely more against Freedom of Religion because they just experienced more negative outcomes as a result of it.

The topic I read about was public schools and religious communities and how the schools are allowed to make partnerships with religious institutions as long as the institution's views are not prostlotized on the students within the programs. Schools must remain unbaised in their religious views and although the presence of programs that involve people with a spicific religious involvment are allowed they are not allowed to sway or protest a student's religious beliefes. The article associated with my topic talked about President Bush set up a program in the Department of Education that provided funding to religious group's programs in public schools. Those kind of prgroams are legal under the first ammendment but some schools reported that the religious insitutions started protlotizing students and that is where the programs become illigal. Public schools are a extention of the government and their job is to teach the First Ammendment rights provided to them by their government. The schools must follow the rules that they are teaching the kids and they must make sure that the institutions they associate themselves with do not go against what they are teaching in their own schools

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