Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Speech Codes

I think student, in general, have a responsibility to their school to maintain descent behavior when reflecting a part of the school; whether that is a sorority, fraternity or a school club. The incident that happened at the University of Auburn where students in a fraternity dressed up in inappropriate racial outfits, such a KKK members, and simulated a lynching should be punished. There is a fine line that the school walks between limiting students rights of free speech provided by the Unites States government and allowing them to behave in a way that reflects the University in a poor light. I think that the school has every right to prohibit these actions if the students were simply throwing a party in their apartment where these incidents arose then there is nothing the school can do but because they were in a fraternity their actions are reflected on the University. These students’ choices at the party were demeaning to the other students at the University who are African-American and these incidents are very offensive. It would be like simulating the Holocaust and people dressing up like Nazis to attend a party, these are incidents that are a real part of people's pasts and even though people have a right to express their opinions there is a proper time and place to do so and doing them at one of the University of Auburn's fraternity houses as a party is not the proper time or place. These boy's actions are not progressing society in any way, but rather bringing up a dark part of Americas past in a disrespectful way that supports the murders of innocent members of our society.

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