Thursday, March 24, 2011

State of the Union

I think that there were a lot of good ideas and programs that Obama talked about in his State of the Union Address but I question the feasibility of those ideas. He said by 2035 80% of energy will be from clean sources, 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015, by the end of the decade the highest proportion of college graduates, eliminate 1 billion given to oil companies and prepare 100,000 new teachers in math and technology. I think that all these ideas are important and what people want to hear Obama say but realistically, I think they are promises that can’t be kept. We are already in a war with Iraq and Afghanistan and we just added Libya, I don’t think that the government will actually be worried if there are 1 million electric cars on the roads by 2015 when they are being scrutinized daily for still being involved in wars costing our country trillions of dollars. I think that all the things Obama mentioned are great ideas and they all SHOULD be done but that doesn’t mean they will be. He built his campaign around the word “Change” but the problem with that is each individual’s opinion of change is different so they all expect different things out of the Obama administration.
I liked that Obama talked about the fact that we are falling behind as a country, although it is pessimistic, which isn’t what people want to hear it is the truth. I don’t think the president should try and sugar coat things there are problems in any country and ignoring them isn’t going to fix anything. With this State of the Union Address Obama has the gift of everyone in the country listening to what he has to say so he needs to talk about things that are important. I wish he would have said that he can’t do these things alone and it is up to the American people to help out whether that means parents making sure their kids stay in school or telling people to buy a more environmentally friendly car then the one they are looking at. I think Obama needed to empower people more and make them feel that the countries fate is in each citizen’s hands.

1 comment:

  1. Allie, great detail in each of these posts and I am especially gratified to see that you took the time to respond to Invisible Children. Keep up the hard work, your blog will serve you well as we move toward the end of the year.
