Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Marketplace of Ideas: Source #7

I read an article from the LA Times about Chinas increasing violations of human rights laws. Experts say that recently this has been the most serious crackdown from Chinese government since Tiananmen Square in 1989. In China most of the freedoms that were gained by citizens have started to be taken away again and the government is falling back to their past. Not only Ai WeiWei is talked about but other writers, artists, lawyers, teachers etc., are all being targeted and arrested for voicing their opinions. These people just disappear. With no warning or word they are kidnapped by their own government. When they ask for people to testify in court, like the wife of Liu Xia a Nobel Peace Prize winner who is not imprisoned, they refuse because they are fearful of their government. When the United States does speak up against the issue they don’t have much persuasion over human rights issues in China. In the coming months there is supposed to be talks with China in Washington and Joe Biden is going to visit China in July.

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