Monday, May 16, 2011

Pledged: #4

The process of finding a sorority is was amazes me so much. You think that people would want to be in a sorority that they want and that wants them in return for who they are. The things some people go through to get into one is amazing. They change who they are and put up a facade to try and get a bid from the best sorority possible. I think it is sad people try to make themselves a new person just to be accepted for who they are not. Some girls get counselors to train them to be the best rushee possible. With this can include; gets a new wardrobe, picking up new activities to make your resume look the best it can, meeting new people that can write recommendations for you and more. If I was in these girls positions, which I soon will be, I am not going to do anything to change who I am. If a sorority does not want me then I don't want them. I would never want to be part of a group that doesn't care to like me for myself. It is sad that at such a vulnerable time in girls life that they are forced to change who they are and lose their individuality to fit into a mold. You can lose so much creativity and individuality by making people all be the same. Unfortunately, from the way this book makes it sound, it will never be a reality that a sorority accepts differences and appreciates them so that everyone can learn and become better people.

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